The time-lapse camera is up and takes a photo every minute through the day and night. I typically then scan through the 500 or so that are taken after dark and then delete them to save on disk space. Whilst skimming through last weeks I came across a couple of very odd ones
There are three consecutive ones that contain some very spooky images. The four shots below show what the view looks like in the daytime, what it normally looks like at night and then the three shots with weird lights in. These were taken at 8.25, 8.26 and 8.27 pm on the 10th Sept at 1/15th of a second exposure. The first is just a blurred light in front of the camera and could easily be a bird or insect. The second is more weird, 5 bulbous lights in the sky. The third is equally weird with a vertical ray of light going up (or down) from the centre of the house.
Inspection of the ground reveals no burn marks or excoplasm, and the house is intact. I am suspicious though because the farmer just cut his corn so any evidence of crop circles would be been destroyed.
I am a scientist and a sceptic, after doing some reading around this and chatting to folk, Rich, my brother in law, suggested that 1 and 2 are “rods” which are quite common in UFO circles. Rods are formed from longish exposures of insects beating their wings. I have no explanation for the vertical ray of light beyond something on the sensor of the camera but it is strange that they all occur consecutively.
Maybe Cowieswells is an alien landing site or maybe there was a moth in front of the lens that then got vaporised - you can decide what you believe
View from camera during day time |
Normal view at night |
8:25pm on 10th Sept. A large white object in front of the camera. An insect? |
8.26pm, 6 white lights above the house? |
8.27pm a shaft of light upwards from the centre of the house. |