The original house got its water from a well in the garden. The image that springs to most people's mind when you say "well in the garden" is of a small round walled structure with a little roof and a bucket hanging down, not a concrete pit quarter full of rancid water. The state of the plumbing and the toilet in the house suggests that the pump from the well probably hadn't been working for a while anyway. Getting on to the mains was a priority. We are 450 m away from the nearest main so its not trivial and needed to be timed to not trash the farmers crops.
We opted to bury 5 water pipes so that we had ullage for future developments and while the trench was open we also buried a telephone cable so we could remove the poles on our land and we laid an electric cable up the driveway so that we can have lights etc at the front gate at some point in the future.
Great to see things happening down there, definitely a good feeling.
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